Health Equity

These resources will help you advance health equity in your community.
This report describes why The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Climate Change and Health Equity and its newly established Office of Environmental Justice are critical to mitigating the health threats of climate change. The report acknowledges the initial steps that OCCHE has…
To assist public health practitioners and attorneys across state, Tribal, and local governments in the use of data to advance health equity, the Network has produced a legal handbook that addresses the role of law in collecting and disseminating public health data disaggregated by race and…
During this webinar, researchers from the University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center described rural/urban differences in health and access to healthcare, including differences in self-rated health, chronic conditions, and mental health outcomes.
This website provides the latest research and resources on achieving health equity.
This ASTHO toolkit is designed to support public health leaders in leveraging the policy development process to achieve health equity in their jurisdiction.
This archived webinar focused on the importance of having diverse and culturally competent professionals to improve diversity in research.
The schema incorporates 30 research strategies across three pillars to establish a new paradigm to stimulate research for improving minority health and closing the gaps in health disparities.
This webinar addressed lung cancer disparities, health-system EBIs for improving health equity, enhanced community-clinical linkages, and coverage for lung cancer screening among low-income populations.
This data set includes population data for many Healthy People 2030 objectives and customizable charts and tables that display the data.