Connecting the Dots With Systemic Thinking for Equitable and Healthiest Communities

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In this month’s Log-in2Learn, Priti Irani, MSPH connects system thinking to the revised 10 Essential Public Health Services, which put health equity at the center.

Learning Objectives

  1. Define key concepts, including: systems, systemic thinking, equity, social justice, and complexity.
  2. Explain how systemic thinking links to existing frameworks for equitable and healthier communities.
  3. Demonstrate use of two tools for exploring deep leverage points.

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Latest Resources

This report highlights the importance of civic infrastructure, spaces to connect and be informed, with a focus on access to local news, broadband internet and public libraries.
This fact sheet addresses transportation equity issues.
This toolkit is designed to share commercial tobacco cessation resources and assist members of multi-disciplinary healthcare teams with supporting patients.