The Community Guide and Community Guide in Action

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 The Community Preventive Services Task Force -- an independent panel of public health and prevention experts -- is responsible for collecting these evidence-based interventions to help you select programs to improve health and reduce disease. Search by topic and choose policy development, environmental change or other relevant terms under “strategy.” This is a prefilled search for "cancer."

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Community Guide in Action stories feature decision makers, program planners, employers, and leaders from across the country who have used The Community Guide to make people safer and healthier. Use this interactive map to see how programs and organizations have used the Community Guide to improve health.

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Latest Resources

This report highlights the importance of civic infrastructure, spaces to connect and be informed, with a focus on access to local news, broadband internet and public libraries.
This fact sheet addresses transportation equity issues.
This toolkit is designed to share commercial tobacco cessation resources and assist members of multi-disciplinary healthcare teams with supporting patients.